We all want our companion bunnies to stay healthy and live long happy lives. One of the many benefits of companion
rabbits living inside is that their carers can keep a watchful eye on their furry friend and can easily and quickly diagnose a
potential problem.

Contrary to what some people may think, domestic rabbits can suffer serious health problems and can require immediate
veterinary care. It is very useful as a companion rabbit carer to know what signs to look for and sometimes also be able to
nurse and administer medication.

Here are some suggestions for keeping your bunny safe, healthy and happy for many years to come:
For a healthy and happy bunny, the most important part of general care is routine. As with most companion animals, bunnies
thrive on a good feeding and cleaning regime. This aids the bunny carer in keeping a good eye on the condition, health and
happiness of their furry friend throughout the day.

Try to keep regular times for breakfast, dinner and changing litter trays. This way you will know if your bunny is not feeling
their best and can act quickly if required.

Exercise is an important part of your bunny's routine. Each day your bunny should be given a good safe run whether it's
indoors or outdoors (this aids in good circulation and digestion). It should be noted that bunnies are very active at dawn and
dusk and prefer to sleep during the middle of the day.

Make sure your bunny's house is always clean and comfortable. A dirty house for your bunny can harbour diseases and
parasites which could cause serious health issues - not to mention will also smell really bad! so please clean regularly.

Vaccination & general check up
To be safe, each year your bunny should be vaccinated against calici virus by your vet. This visit (either home visit or to the
clinic) should include a general check up for teeth, nails, ears and weight if possible.

General Health
General Care
Vet Care
Do Your Bit
Fun Stuff